Convened by the Carbon Pricing Leadership Coalition, the conference aims to drive innovative research and analysis from academics and practitioners on the effective design and implementation of carbon pricing policies
Washington, February 28, 2018 – The Carbon Pricing Leadership Coalition (CPLC), an initiative that brings together leaders from government, business, and civil society to drive carbon pricing action around the world, announced today the launch of the first CPLC Research Conference on carbon pricing to take place in late January 2019.
Over the past several years, the world has seen a proliferation of carbon pricing schemes and an increase in the diversity of approaches. Research has underpinned much of this progress and helped increase the understanding of carbon pricing design. Despite this growing body of experience and data, new research and analysis are needed to support effective carbon pricing design and execution.
The CPLC will convene researchers, policy makers, and practitioners at this international research conference to strengthen the knowledge base on carbon pricing and foster an improved understanding of the evolving challenges to its successful application.
Leveraging its high-level membership of governments, private sector, and civil society organisations, the Coalition will draw on outcomes of this conference to help bridge the existing gap between theory and practice, and to inform future decisions taken by policy makers and corporate leaders.
“We want to have a real, evidence-based conversation between practitioners, academia, policy makers, business leaders, and other sectors of society to provide answers to the difficult questions that all of them are asking around carbon pricing” said Andrei Marcu, Co-Chair of the conference and its scientific committee, and Senior Fellow International Center for Trade and Sustainable Development (ICTSD) and Director of the European Roundtable on Climate Change and Sustainable Transition.
“We are looking to hear about interesting projects and outputs from across a wide spectrum of disciplines going beyond the usual fields already working on carbon pricing. For example, we would like to hear from researchers on corporate strategy or others working on the relevance of carbon pricing for business and the financial sector. We are particularly interested in a strong turnout from developing countries as well as from a younger generation of researchers and practitioners” said Michael Mehling, Co-Chair of the conference and its scientific committee, and Deputy Director, Center for Energy & Environmental Policy Research (CEEPR), Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
Relevant research themes include, but are not limited to, the following:
• Learning from past and current experience: Case studies on carbon pricing design and implementation, performance review and evaluation, comparing carbon pricing systems and their effects, understanding actors and affected markets, results of modelling to assess/compare environmental, macroeconomic, and distributional outcomes of different approaches, etc;
• Political economy of carbon pricing: Political acceptance and feasibility of carbon pricing, use of carbon pricing revenue, distributional effects of carbon pricing, dealing with adverse impacts of carbon pricing, etc.;
• Carbon pricing and development: Financing sustainable development with carbon pricing, fiscal aspects of carbon pricing, co-benefits of carbon pricing (indirect effects on pollution, employment implications, economic diversification), pathways to a just transition, etc.;
• Carbon pricing and competitiveness: Understanding impacts of carbon pricing on competitiveness, effects and limitations of policy options to address leakage and competitiveness concerns (free allocation, tax exemptions, alternative approaches), etc.;
• Role of carbon pricing in decarbonisation: Complementary policies and policy interactions, hybrid approaches to carbon pricing, dynamic effects and climate policy ambition, role of carbon pricing in innovation and energy transition, internal carbon pricing, etc.;
• Emerging frontiers of carbon pricing: Linkage and convergence of carbon pricing systems, policy transfer and diffusion across jurisdictions, extending carbon pricing to new sectors (aviation, shipping, agriculture and forestry), carbon pricing under the Paris Agreement (e.g. operationalisation of Art. 6 and NDC (Partnership) support), etc.
Abstracts of 150 words are due by April 15th 2018, and should be submitted using the form on the website: All submissions will undergo review and selection by a Scientific Committee, with eminent representatives of academia, government, and private sector. Selection decisions will be communicated by May 31st, 2018, and full papers for conference presentation will be due by October 31st, 2018. Conference proceedings will be published in an edited volume and/or a high-impact, peer-reviewed journal.
A mudança climática assume uma urgência cada dia mais dramática. Além daquilo que vemos todos os dias, estudos científicos alarmantes se sucedem apontando para cenários piores do que os previamente considerados. O prazo está se esgotando para a humanidade manter o aquecimento global abaixo do limite considerado minimamente seguro de 2 graus. Impõe-se uma forte redução das emissões mundiais de gases de efeito estufa (GEE).
Dois fatores podem nos ajudar nesse sentido. O primeiro é que tecnologias limpas se tornaram disponíveis a baixo custo e em grande escala. Não apenas parques eólicos e painéis solares, como também baterias, veículos elétricos, biocombustíveis, florestas plantadas e agricultura de baixo carbono. Mas a transição vai precisar de vultosos investimentos: mais de um trilhão de dólares por ano na próxima década nos países em desenvolvimento, onde se encontram as melhores oportunidades. Parece uma quantia enorme, mas é só 5% do PIB da Europa, que há pouco lançou o Plano Juncker, para investir 700 bilhões de dólares em sua infraestrutura no prazo de apenas cinco anos. Um plano semelhante para enfrentar as mudanças climáticas traria benefícios muito maiores para todos.
O segundo fator é a gigantesca massa de recursos financeiros em mãos de fundos de pensão, fundos soberanos, seguradoras e gestores de patrimônios privados buscando opções para sair de ativos em combustíveis fósseis crescentemente arriscados e problemáticos. Os mercados globais de bonds circulam 100 trilhões de dólares, e os de investimento 60 trilhões. Como mostra o sucesso recente das emissões de green bonds, uma parcela crescente deste montante estaria disponível para aplicar em infraestrutura sustentável de baixo carbono, desde que os riscos sejam reduzidos.
Confira a matéria na íntegra AQUI
Fonte: Valor Econômico
The Summit will take place in Paris on 12 December 2017, the anniversary of the adoption of the Paris Agreement. The Summit comes at a key moment in the international agenda and aims to provide a complementary contribution to foster greater climate action by a wide range of actors, in particular regarding the financial angle. In the context of the COP23 on 6-17 November 2017 and in preparation for the facilitative dialogue during COP24 in 2018 as well as other key events such as the Climate Summit of the United Nations in 2019, the Summit on 12 December will be the occasion to strengthen a high-level political impetus on climate action especially focusing on:
Find more about the event HERE
Check out the Programme of One Planet Summit HERE
In parallel of the One Planet Summit on December 12, many side events are organized on December 10, 11 and 13 in Paris by public, private and civil society stakeholders in order to contribute to the mobilization and the implementation of concrete solutions towards greater climate action.
In this way, besides the main event on December 12, Prof. Emilio was invited to attend the High level seminar, organised by IDDRI under the auspices of the French minister for Higher education, Research and Innovation, December 11th 2017, 9am – 1pm, Paris.
Check out further information of the Side-event on December 11 HERE
O professor da Coppe/UFRJ Emílio La Rovere, participa, nesta segunda-feira, 11 de dezembro, do evento paralelo "Climate and development: To mobilise finance, let’s strengthen research and innovation", que será realizado em Paris, das 6 às 10 h (horário de Brasília). O objetivo é discutir formas de mobilizar o investimento, público e privado, necessário para a descarbonização da economia mundial e a concretização das metas estabelecidas pelo Acordo de Paris. Promovido pelo Ministério do Ensino Superior, Pesquisa e Inovação da França, o evento antecipa a One Planet Summit, que será realizada dia 12.
O professor La Rovere, do Programa de Planejamento Energético da Coppe, participará da segunda sessão de trabalho, às 7h15, sobre o tema "National enabling environment: policies, expertise, long term pathways to low carbon and resilient development : the role of research, innovation and capacity building to ensure converging expectations and risk reduction for investors". Os palestrantes e debatedores abordarão o papel da pesquisa e da inovação na busca da convergência das expectativas e da redução de riscos para os investidores. O evento está sendo organizado pelo Institute for Sustainable Development and International Relations (IDDRI), e será realizado, das 6 às 10h (horário de Brasília), no endereço: 25, rue de la Montagne Sainte Geneviève, 75005 Paris.
One Planet Summit marca o segundo aniversário do Acordo de Paris. O evento, que será realizado dia 12, em Paris, e contará a presença do presidente Emmanuel Macron, tem como objetivo buscar formas de viabilizar o financiamento adequado para a concretização de objetivos do Acordo, como redução das emissões de gases causadores de efeito estufa e proteção das populações vulneráveis às consequências das mudanças climáticas.
No evento será apresentado, às xxx horas, o estudo "A climate finance initiative to achieve the Paris Agreement", que aborda os princípios de um Grupo de Iniciativas para o Financiamento Climático (GIFC, sigla em inglês) e busca aproximar países desenvolvidos e em desenvolvimento para impulsionar investimentos em infraestrutura sustentável. O estudo contou com a participação do professor La Rovere e foi coordenado por Dipak Dasgupta (co-fundador do Fundo Verde para o Clima), Jean-Charles Hourcade (Diretor do Centre International de Recherches sur l'Environnement et le Développement) e Seyni Nafo (diretor da Iniciativa de Acesso à Energia na África).
Segundo declaração conjunta que será divulgada no evento, o One Planet Summit tem como objetivo mobilizar os agentes financeiros a investirem em uma nova forma de prosperidade mais justa, resiliente e de baixo uso de carbono. "A fim de transformar radicalmente nossas economias e reduzir drasticamente nossas emissões de gases causadores do efeito estufa, para desenvolver as capacidades de resiliência aos efeitos já muito reais das mudanças climáticas, particularmente para aqueles das populações mais vulneráveis"
Endereço: 25, rue de la Montagne Sainte Geneviève, 75005 Paris
Horário: 6 às 10h
Fonte: Planeta COPPE
Prof. Emilio La Rovere was invited to take part of two side-events on the topics of carbon pricing and green bonds taking place as part of the Interconnections Zone during COP23 at Deutsches Institut für Entwicklungspolitik (DIE) / German Development Institute in Bonn.
Find more about this events below:
When: Thursday, 16 November 2017, 10.00 am – 11.30 am
Where: Deutsches Institut für Entwicklungspolitik (DIE), Tulpenfeld 6, 53113 Bonn, Germany
The recent decade saw an unprecedented and ongoing growth in national und subnational carbon pricing initiatives around the world. The most exciting developments are currently taking place in emerging economies and developing countries in Asia and Latin America. Carbon pricing policies significantly reduce the cost of addressing climate change and unlock economic opportunities as part of the transition to a low-carbon economy. In addition, carbon pricing generates revenues which can be used to mainstream climate change into public policies to support low-carbon and climate-resilient sustainable development. This side event will bring together academics, policymakers and stakeholders to discuss prospects and challenges for carbon pricing in the context of the Paris Agreement and Agenda 2030.
- Constanze Haug, International Carbon Action Partnership
- Ottmar Edenhofer, Mercator Research Institute on Global Commons and Climate Change
- Oskar Lecuyer, Agence Française de Développement
- Sébastien Postic, Institute for Climate Economics
- Duan Maosheng, Tsinghua University
- John Roome, World Bank
When: Friday, 17 November 2017, 10.00-12.00 a.m.
Where: Deutsches Institut für Entwicklungspolitik (DIE), Tulpenfeld 6, 53113 Bonn, Germany
For achieving a 2°C compatible pathway an enormous investment gap exists which has to be financed both with public and private funds. A promising innovative financial instrument for achieving this goal are green bonds. While the green bond market has expanded sizably worldwide, several barriers to its further development exist including the lack of harmonised standards across countries and types of bonds. The aim of this side event is to discuss the main barriers for emerging economies to the further development of the green bond market and to elaborate policy recommendations among experts from the civil society, public and private sector as well as academics.
- Brian Gillard, German Stock Exchange AG
- Torsten Ehlers, Bank for International Settlements
- Aldo M. Romani, European Investment Bank
- Manuel Adamini, Climate Bonds Initiative
- Alba Aguilar Priego, MEXICO2, Company of the Mexican Stock Exchange
- Kathrin Berensmann, German Development Institute