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01-11-centroclima--eventoOn October 18, Prof. Emilio La Rovere made a presentation and discussed topics about carbon pricing in the Plenary 2: “What role for carbon pricing for delivering on the Paris Agreement?” at The Latin American and Caribbean Carbon Forum (LACCF).
This is the abstract of Prof. La Rovere’s presentation:

Accelerating action to expand the impact of carbon pricing instruments in the LAC region

Smart financial mechanisms can help to foster investment in low-carbon infrastructure with a lower explicit carbon price, alleviating the negative impacts of carbon taxes on economic activity and social gains. Reducing the risk of low carbon investments by lowering their capital costs can be obtained through public guarantees allocated in proportion to the project’s expected reduction in GHGs emissions for agreed upon values per ton. These values should reflect, as required by the paragraph 108 of the COP21 ‘Decision’ of the Paris Agreement, ‘the social, economic, and environmental value of mitigation actions and their co-benefits to adaptation, health, sustainable development” (SVMA). An innovative financial device anchored in the SVMA can help to channel international funds to increase public guarantees and reduce the risk of low carbon investments in the LAC region, allowing for a reduction in capital costs of these projects.

Information about the Plenary 2:

Topic: What Role for Carbon Pricing for Delivering on the Paris Agreement?
On October 18, at 11:30 - 13:00
J. Stiglitz and N. Stern indicate in the recently-launched Report of the High-Level Commission on Carbon Prices that a well-designed and robust carbon pricing strategy is an indispensable component of overall policy to efficiently reduce GHG emissions without penalizing economic growth. To date, only 15% of global emissions are covered by a carbon pricing instrument. This high-level discussion aimed to explore tailored ways to expand coverage and impact of carbon pricing instruments in LAC region, and identify opportunities for growth and revenue generation offered by carbon pricing.

Moderator: Beatriz Bugeda (Regional Manager, Mexico & Latin America - The Climate Reality Project)

Plenary lectures:

• Enrique Lendo (Head of International Affairs - SEMARNAT, Mexico)
• Steve Hammer (Manager, Climate Analytics and Advisory Services, Climate -Change Group, World Bank)
• Emilio Lèbre La Rovere (Executive Coordinator, Center for Integrated Studies on Climate Change, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil)
• Dirk Forrister (President & CEO, IETA)

Photos of the Plenary 2:

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