
10 12 CentroClima Noticia UCCRNThe Urban Climate Change Research Network’s Second Assessment Report on Climate Change in Cities (ARC3.2) is the second in a series of global, science–based reports to examine climate risk, adaptation, and mitigation efforts in cities.

The book explicitly seeks to explore the implications of changing climatic conditions on critical urban physical and social infrastructure sectors and intersectoral concerns.

The primary purpose of ARC3.2 is to inform the development and implementation of effective urban climate change policies, leveraging ongoing and planned investments for populations in cities of developing, emerging, and developed countries.

This volume, like its predecessor, will be invaluable for a range of audiences involved with climate change and cities: mayors, city officials and policymakers; urban planners; policymakers charged with developing climate change mitigation and adaptation programs; and a broad spectrum of researchers and advanced students in the environmental sciences.

This report had the contribution of Centro Clima’s researchers and collaborators, such as Emilio La Rovere, Martha Barata, Denise Silva, Martin Obermaier and Carolina Dubeux, and in its core which participated in the health chapter and in the case studies.

Check it out here

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Read in portuguese here

Pesquisadores - Projeto Imagine

Emilio Lèbre La Rovere

Michele Cotta

Michele Cotta holds a degree in Forest Engineering, Master's Degree in Forestry Sc

Lisandra Gomes Mateus

Researcher at the Centro Clima (COPPE/UFRJ) and PhD student at the Energy Planning

Pedro Ninô de Carvalho

Economist, PhD candidate at the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro and the École

Carolina Burle Schmidt Dubeux, D.Sc.

PhD in Energy and Environmental Planning, senior researcher at Centro Clima/COPPE/

Daniel Schmitz, D.Sc.

PhD in Transport Engineering at the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (Coppe-UF

George Goes, D.Sc.

PhD in Transport Engineering and postdoctoral researcher at the Federal University

Erika Carvalho Nogueira

Environmental Engineer (UFRJ), with a sandwich undergraduate degree from the Austr

Bruna Guimarães

Works as a researcher at the Center for Integrated Studies on Climate Change and t

William Wills, D.Sc.

Senior consultant at CentroClima and director at the Brazilian Climate Center, boa
