
13 11 centroClima Noticia COP23Date: on November, 14 2017 at 1.15pm to 2.45pm
Local: at EU Pavilion, in Bonn, Germany.
Title of presentation: Carbon revenues: bridging the gap from climate issues to fiscal benefits
Co-organizers: World Bank, AFD, I4CE, Ecofys, the Generation Foundation
Thematic focus: carbon pricing, fiscal policies, NDC

Moderator: James CLOSE, Senior director climate change, World Bank

1. Emilie ALBEROLA, Program Director Industry and Energy, Institute for Climate Economics (I4CE)
2. Ian TRIM, Associate Director, Ecofys
3. One representative from a covered entity - TBC
4. Emilio Lebre la Rovere, Executive Coordinator of the Center for Integrated Studies on Climate Change and the Environment, Federal University of Rio, Brazil

Description: An increasing number of countries are exploring how carbon-pricing instruments could help them meet their NDC goals. This event will look at how to use revenues generated by carbon pricing policies to support a low-carbon and climate-resilient development, from the perspective of policy makers in developing countries (World Bank Group-WBG, the Agence Française de Development-AFD and the Institute for Climate Economics-I4CE) as well as of entities covered by carbon pricing instruments (Ecofys and the Generation Foundation under their Carbon Pricing Unlocked partnership).

Other info: This event will present some early results of the WBG-AFD-I4CE study and will launch the new publication of the CPU partnership. Panelists (researchers as well as practitioners from the public and private sector) will discuss some of the challenges and opportunities associated with their experience of the use of carbon revenues.

Pesquisadores - Projeto Imagine

Emilio Lèbre La Rovere

Michele Cotta

Michele Cotta holds a degree in Forest Engineering, Master's Degree in Forestry Sc

Lisandra Gomes Mateus

Researcher at the Centro Clima (COPPE/UFRJ) and PhD student at the Energy Planning

Pedro Ninô de Carvalho

Economist, PhD candidate at the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro and the École

Carolina Burle Schmidt Dubeux, D.Sc.

PhD in Energy and Environmental Planning, senior researcher at Centro Clima/COPPE/

Daniel Schmitz, D.Sc.

PhD in Transport Engineering at the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (Coppe-UF

George Goes, D.Sc.

PhD in Transport Engineering and postdoctoral researcher at the Federal University

Erika Carvalho Nogueira

Environmental Engineer (UFRJ), with a sandwich undergraduate degree from the Austr

Bruna Guimarães

Works as a researcher at the Center for Integrated Studies on Climate Change and t

William Wills, D.Sc.

Senior consultant at CentroClima and director at the Brazilian Climate Center, boa
